Tuesday 18 September 2012

Slow down, you crazy child.

At the start of every academic year for as long as I can remember I've set myself a few goals that I hope to achieve by the time Summer comes around again. I think it was something we were encouraged to do way back in Primary school, when my goals probably included something like "win the skipping race at Sports Day" or "be something other than a sheep in the Christmas play" (that never happened, I was apparently destined to be a farm animal), but nowadays they usually involve a lot of hard work and effort. I'll admit, like most University Freshers I didn't try too hard in my first year, when my main concerns revolved around nights out and what type of alcohol I could afford on this week's measly budget, but since the start of term as a 'Grown Up' second year my academic life has suddenly gotten a lot harder.

It feels like every minute I'm not on Campus I'm struggling to understand theories, writing up scribbled lecture notes and attempting to read a pile of books that makes my head hurt just to look at it! I'm not the best at coping with stress at the best of times, but I think it's safe to say that I'm crazy annoying to be around when the pressure is on.

So in an effort to not spend the next three years of my life in a stressed out-mess, and also to avoid severely winding up my lovely Boy who I'm pretty sure is soon to hit breaking point, I'm going to take a leaf out of Mr Billy Joel's book and "Slow Down". Sit down, relax and have a listen, because this man is  pretty wise (and has an amazing voice, too). 


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At 18 September 2012 at 15:33 , Blogger Lydia said...

Good luck in your classes! I know you'll do well! :D


At 18 September 2012 at 15:58 , Blogger Charlotte said...

I did a post involving this song a few months ago when work got crazy :) the start of term is always hard, you'll be fine in no time x

At 19 September 2012 at 02:36 , Blogger Miss T said...

This is exactly what I found at the start (and all the way through) my second year! There were many times that I didn't think I'd manage to finish the year but I did and now I'm ready to face third year. I definitely need to take some more time to relax though, I always burn myself out at the start of the year. xx

At 19 September 2012 at 07:17 , Blogger Ellie said...

Awww, thank you! :) xxx

At 19 September 2012 at 07:18 , Blogger Ellie said...

It really is the perfect song to listen too when you're feeling all stressed out :) Thank you, I hope so :) xxx

At 19 September 2012 at 07:19 , Blogger Ellie said...

The start of the year is so stressful, adjusting to having so much work to do again! Fingers crossed we can both calm down a little?! :) xxx


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