Friday 28 September 2012

Iced tea & Fairy tales (A few questions)

What are your current obsession? Baking, iced tea, blogging, painting my nails, tumblr and pinterest.

What are you wearing now? A cosy pastel pink knitted jumper, floral print pyjama bottoms, slippers, pink nail polish and messy messy hair.

Do you nap a lot? Not really, only if I'm very tired!

Who was the last person you hugged? My Prince

If you were a tree, what tree would you be? I'd like to be a big oak tree that people choose to picnic underneath, a sheltered spot from the rain, perhaps on top of a hill.

What's for dinner? Pizza and salad (Friday is lazy cooking night!).

What was the last thing you bought? Hundreds & Thousands for baking and some cherry cola.

What are you listening to right now? Alex Goot, he has such a lovely voice!

What is your favorite weather and why? I like thunderstorms, especially when you return home just as the sky is darkening and deep purple clouds are rolling overhead, and just as you get in the rain starts to fall down heavily, hammering against the window and thunder rolls high above your head in the sky.

What time do you usually wake up? It very much depends upon my Uni timetable, but I usually sleep for about 7-8 hours a night. I'm in a bit of a "go to sleep late, wake up late" pattern!

What is your most challenging goal right now? Finding a job, doing well at Uni.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? I'd love to live in a little stone cottage somewhere in the English countryside, with roses around the door and warming fireplaces in every room. Oh, and a little garden too, full of flowers to sit and look at in the sunshine over a cup of tea.

Your 3 dream vacation spots: Paris, Rome and Disneyland, please.

What movies can you watch over and over? The Hunger Games, Titanic, Stardust, Marie Antoinette, anything Disney (The Lion King, Tangled, Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella, Monsters Inc...)

What is your favourite tea? English breakfast tea with milk and two sugars, please.

What are you reading right now? Snow White & The Huntsman, as well as Grimm's fairy tales.

What is your current guilty pleasure? Duvet days and putting my pyjamas on as soon as I get home!

Where is the landscape of your mind? A forest somewhere next to a little stream.

You have one wish: To live a happy life.

I found this little tag while browsing Tumblr so decided to give it a go, too. Feel free to carry it on, please link me if you do as I'd love to read your answers :) 

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At 28 September 2012 at 13:22 , Blogger Lydia said...

I love pizza with a salad! :)

At 28 September 2012 at 14:04 , Blogger Catherine. said...

I love thunderstorms, but hate lightning! Your blog is just lovely, by the way :) xo


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