Sunday 19 August 2012

Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been?

I've been to London (but not to visit the Queen!). To visit my Sister, and to stay with her in her little flat on Brick Lane. This morning we were walking through the local Sunday market, the sun was shining and it felt like Summer for once. I even got to wear my lovely new deer dress! The stalls sold wonderful treasures, from pretty floral dresses to pastel coloured Carebears, old desks that are meant for writing letters to faraway friends and wonderful tasty cupcakes and strawberry coloured meringues! I could have bought a whole array of loveliness had my purse allowed it, but I only had a few coins with me. I did manage to find a few books though, and even though my bookshelf is already full of adventures and magical friends I'm looking forward to reading them.
We looked at the colourful street art and I wished that I could create something that beautiful one day. We drank strawberry juice and found a little cafe for lunch, and then it was time for us to go to the train station and catch the train home. The sun didn't come with us though, it stayed behind while grey clouds formed up ahead and big rain droplets fell, hammering the windows with its greetings. It didn't stop raining for a long time so I pulled on my pyjamas and got all cosy inside, all warm in my own bed again. Last night my slumber was interrupted by sirens and parties and the general sounds of London life, but now all I can hear is the big brown owl I saw from my Mama's window, hooting into the night.

It is good to be home.



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